National Panel of Assessors

We are privileged to be part of the National Panel of Assessors (NPA), contributing our expertise and commitment to facilitating the well-being and success of these individuals. Since our appointment to the NPA in 2018, Benchmark Rehab has been steadfast in delivering exceptional services throughout Australia.

We are entrusted with providing assessments such as:

Ongoing Support Assessments (OSA)

An assessment undertaken where a Disability Employment Service Provider determines that the worker may need ongoing support in the workplace to retain their job.

Supported Wage Scheme Assessments (SWS)

An independent work productivity assessment undertaken to enable people whose work productivity is reduced as a result of their disability, to maintain employment.

Workplace Modification Scheme Assessments (WMSA)

A workplace assessment undertaken through the DSS Employment Assistance Fund to identify any environmental modifications, changes to equipment or performance of work tasks that may be required to enable persons with a disability to successfully return to and maintain employment.

These assessments enable us to comprehensively evaluate the specific requirements and capabilities of individuals, ensuring appropriate support and accommodations are provided.

Benchmark Rehab’s approved assessors have exceeded the quality expectation scores on each audit conducted in the past 5 years.

Our assessors are provided with formal and informal training in cultural awareness, sensitivity and competency, enabling them to engage effectively with clients from diverse backgrounds.

We take immense pride in consistently achieving outstanding audit scores, with our assessors routinely attaining a flawless 100% score in independent audits. This accomplishment reflects our unwavering dedication to timeliness, acceptance, and completion of assessments, maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and accuracy.

We are assessed independently to ensure the quality of our service delivery includes:

Acting with due care and diligence

Acting with care in communication with Participants

Developing respectful relationships with all parties